Welcome to the Brooklyn Team, Stephanie!

We are thrilled to welcome Stephanie Minnich, Certified Breastfeeding Counselor, to the First Latch & Counseling Inc. team in Brooklyn, NY! Stephanie graduated from Temple University. As a nursing mom who overcame the struggles of learning to breastfeed, she left her first meeting with her tiny, new baby while thinking, “I have found my place. I can do this. These are my people.” As a Certified Breastfeeding Counselor and La Leche League Leader, Stephanie has been helping families find the joys in breastfeeding and meeting their nursing goals. In addition to supporting families in Brooklyn and Manhattan, Stephanie leads a breastfeeding circle on Thursdays in Brooklyn (register by calling 301-440-5663).  It’s a great addition to our weekly prenatal breastfeeding class (taught by Tova Ovits, IBCLC, or Chaya D. Stern, IBCLC, RN at the Brooklyn Birthing Center; register by calling 718-336-4119), and Parenting Together group (led by Jennifer Leopold, IBCLC, LMSW in NJ; register by emailing Jennifer@FirstLatch.com)!

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